Η υψηλής ποιότητας εξυπηρέτηση και φιλοξενία μέσα απο μια σειρά διαφόρων υπηρεσιών, η δημιουργία μιας υψηλούς αισθητικής, ζεστής και σπιτικής ατμόσφαιρας, η συνεχής ενημέρωση και εξέλιξη χωρίς υπερβολή στην προσέγγιση της έννοιας του φαγητού και η ανάδειξη της ελληνικής κουζίνας μέσα απο ελληνικές πρώτες ύλες και συνταγές είναι τα κύρια συστατικά της «εμπειρίας» στο Hytra Restaurant & Bar, ένα γαστριμαργικό ταξίδι που δημιουργεί μοναδικές αναμνήσεις στους καλεσμένους μας.

Το εστιατόριο Hytra έχει αναπτύξει την γαστρονομική του ταυτότητα με βάση την προσέγγιση και τον επαναπροσδιορισμό της πλούσιας πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς της ελληνικής γαστρονομίας, δίνοντας μια σύγχρονη έκφραση στην εκτέλεση και την παρουσίαση των πιάτων.

Το Hytra Restaurant & Bar είναι βραβευμένο με ένα Αστέρι Michelin, και περιλαμβάνεται στο La liste 2019

Hytra Bar
Με βάση την αγάπη για τα ελληνικά βότανα και μπαχαρικά καθώς και για τα ξεχασμένα παραδοσιακά σιρόπια, λικέρ και μπράντι, οι barmen του Hytra Bar δημιουργούν μοναδικά cocktail, χρησιμοποιώντας φρεσκοστυμένους χυμούς φρούτων και χειροποίητα σιρόπια και λικέρ, που βασίζονται σε παλιές παραδοσιακές συνταγές φτιαγμένες με τις πλέον σύγχρονες τεχνικές.
Για να συνοδέψετε τα cocktail σας έχουμε δημιουργήσει εκλεκτά tapas, από τις ίδιες εξαιρετικές πρώτες ύλες που χρησιμοποιούμε σε όλα τα μενού μας. Τα tapas σερβίρονται στο bar και υπάρχει η επιλογή για degustation μενού tapas με cocktail pairing..
What mysteries can lie in a single bite?
Uncover it yourself with “Potato”
Egg, leek, truffle
#amusebouche #starterdish #tinybites #bites #fingerfood #greektaste #thehytraexperience #athensrestaurant #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #greekfoodblog #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #greekfood #greekfoodie #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover
Join us on December 31st for a special night at Hytra restaurant. Our New Year`s Eve menu honors Greece`s finest ingredients and our dedication to sustainability. Enjoy Michelin dishes crafted from the freshest local produce and seafood, paired with our curated selection of wines and spirits.
Celebrate the New Year with us in an evening of elegance and indulgence, where every detail is designed to create a memorable experience.
A toast, to a joyful new Year!
#hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #thehytraexperience #athensrestaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoods #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfoodie #athensgreece #newyearsday #newyearseve #newyears #newyearsmenu #michelinstarred
It is December, and we love it. We embrace the festive atmosphere getting ready for a month full of surprises, smiles and culinary adventures.
#hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #athensgreece #michelinstar #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #sustainablecuisine #hytrarestaurant #greekfoodlovers #gastronomyart #greekfoodblog #greekfood #greekfoodie #december #decemberdaily
Short Rib
Chickpeas, Carrot, Sitia’s sour milk, Carob honey
#shortrib #shortribs #shortribsliders #shortribsrecipe #meatlovers #MeatLoversParadise #meatloversdream #meatloversunite #MeatLoversDelight #greekfoodie #greekfoods #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #thehytraexperience
“Red Mullet”
“Bourdeto” sauce, wild greens, potato-cumin
#redmullet #mullet #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensrestaurant #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #greekfoodblog #moderncuisine #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie #gastronomyart
A moment captured in time, a testament to culinary artistry. Experience unforgettable gastronomic journeys at Hytra, enhanced by our expertly selected wine pairings.
#Wine #winery #winebar #winetime #winelover #winelovers #Winetasting #winetasting #greekwine #greekwines #greekwinery #greekwineries #greekwinelover #greekwinelovers #greekwinetasting #greekwineexplained #greekfoodie #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #thehytraexperience
“Cinnamon Spheres”
Tangerine, Greek yoghurt rose
#dessert #desserts #desserttime #dessertideas #DessertGoals #dessertlover #dessertlovers #greekdessert #greekdesserts #culinarydessert #greekfoodie #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #thehytraexperience #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant
On the 24th of December Hytra harmonizes mesmerizing flavors, festive thoughts and seductive aromas under the Athenian stars in one captivating Michelin dining experience.
Greece`s culture paints a puff stroke in this year`s Christmas Eve menu. Tradition, modernity and sustainability intertwine and create a menu that will be cherished this holiday season!
#thehytraexperience #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #Christmas #christmas #christmastime #christmasmenü #christmasmenu #festivemenu #FestiveSeason #festivevibes #athenscity #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #gastronomyart #gastronomylover #greekfood #greekfoods #greekfoodie
"Turbot Bourgeto"
Onion, scallop, collagen
#hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #hytrarestaurant #athenscity #athensrestaurant #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfoodblog #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodlovers #greekfoodie #greekfood #turbot #fishdish
“Handmade cheese”
pear, green pea, elderflower
#cheese #handmade #handmadecheese #greekfoodie #greekfood #greekfoods #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #athenscity #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #athensrestaurant
For centuries, wine has enriched human experiences, weaving itself into the fabric of cultures worldwide. Hytra recognizes this special connection and celebrates wine as a vital part of its identity.
#wine #winewinewine #WineTasting #winebar #wineoclock #winelovers #winelover #winetasting #winetime
Florinas peppers, basil
#langoustine #langoustines #langoustines🍤 #greekfoodie #greekfood #greekfoodlovers #greekfoods #gastronomyart #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #athenscity #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #thehytraexperience #athensgreece #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant
Scallop, green peas, red cabbage
#lobster #lobster #lobsterlove #lobstertail #lobsterlovers #lobsterlover #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #athenscity #moderncuisine #michelinexperience #michelinstarrestaurant #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #gastronomyart #greekfood
Wine, a timeless companion to humanity`s journey, has woven itself into the fabric of our cultures. At Hytra, we invite you to embark on a sensory odyssey. Each meticulously curated wine list unveils a unique story, transporting you to the heart of viticulture`s rich heritage.
#winelover #winetasting #wine #winebar #winetime #wineoclock #winelovers #WineTasting #winewinewine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #greekcuisine #hytrarestaurant #thehytraexperience #athensgreece #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant
Discover the secrets that lie beneath. A universe of taste awaits.
#starterdish #amusebouche #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #michelinstarrestaurant #michelinexperience #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfood #greekfoods #greekfoodie #greekcuisine #thehytraexperience
Savour a meal beneath the starry sky, with a panoramic view of Athens as your backdrop.
#hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarrestaurant #moderncuisine #sustainablecuisine #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie
With sustainability in mind we craft experiences that surpass the ordinary. “Greek Rice” an adventurous take on modern Greek cuisine.
#Greekfood #rice #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #athensrestaurant #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #michelinstarrestaurant #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #greekfood #greekfoodie
We love sharing our expertise with curious minds, as every dinner is an experience of its own.
#hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie
Discover the exquisite flavours of Greece with our meticulously curated selection of wines. This bottle hails from the heart of our country, showcasing the rich heritage and terroir of Greek vineyards. Indulge in the authentic taste of sustainable Greek cuisine at Hytra.
#winestagram #wineslovers #winepairing #winepairings #winepairings🍷 #winepairingfood #winepairingdinner #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #gastronomyart
Finish your dinner with our acorn mignardises a joyful trip where the surreal blends with reality.
#greekfoodie #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensrestaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #greekcuisine #athenscity #greekcuisine #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #gastronomylover #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie
Sustainability and Greece go hand in hand in a single dish.
Tomato - Trout
Pella’s pepper, pickled strawberry, garden on top
#greekfoodie #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #michelinstar #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #greekcuisine #greekfoodblog #gastronomyart #gastronomylover #michelinexperience #greekfoods #greekfood
Every detail, every thought, every action, all combine into a single unforgettable experience, this of dining at Hytra.
#service #restaurantservice #waiter #waiter #WaitersDay #waiterlife #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #greekcuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog
“Red Mullet”
“Bourdeto” sauce, wild greens, potato-cumin
#thehytraexperience #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #hytrarestaurant #athenscity #michelinstarrestaurant #moderncuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodlovers #greekfood #greekfoodie #greekfoods #greekfoodblog #greekcuisine #athensgreece #athensrestaurant
Η υψηλής ποιότητας εξυπηρέτηση και φιλοξενία μέσα απο μια σειρά διαφόρων υπηρεσιών, η δημιουργία μιας υψηλούς αισθητικής, ζεστής και σπιτικής ατμόσφαιρας, η συνεχής ενημέρωση και εξέλιξη χωρίς υπερβολή στην προσέγγιση της έννοιας του φαγητού και η ανάδειξη της ελληνικής κουζίνας μέσα απο ελληνικές πρώτες ύλες και συνταγές είναι τα κύρια συστατικά της φιλοσοφίας του Hytra Restaurant & Bar.
Το εστιατόριο Hytra έχει αναπτύξει την γαστρονομική του ταυτότητα με βάση την προσέγγιση και τον επαναπροσδιορισμό της πλούσιας πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς της ελληνικής γαστρονομίας, δίνοντας μια σύγχρονη έκφραση στην εκτέλεση και την παρουσίαση των πιάτων.

Hytra Gourmet
Αναμνήσεις από ελληνικές παραδοσιακές γεύσεις που προκύπτουν από συνταγές οι οποίες έχουν αποδοθεί και εκτελεστεί με σύγχρονη έμπνευση και αισθητική, είναι η απόλυτη αίσθηση του Gourmet μενού της Hytra,το οποίο σχεδιάζουν και υλοποιούν ο σεφ Γιώργος Φελεμέγκας και η μπριγκάντα του.
Οι ιδιαίτερες τεχνικές στις συνταγές που περιβάλλονται με υψηλή αισθητική στην εμφάνιση των πιάτων και του art de la table του προσφέρονται μέσω ενός μενού γευσιγνωσίας ή από τις επιλογές που είναι διαθέσιμες στο μενού à la carte.
Hytra Bar
Με βάση την αγάπη για τα ελληνικά βότανα και μπαχαρικά καθώς και για τα ξεχασμένα παραδοσιακά σιρόπια, λικέρ και μπράντι, οι barmen του Hytra Bar δημιουργούν μοναδικά cocktail, χρησιμοποιώντας φρεσκοστυμένους χυμούς φρούτων και χειροποίητα σιρόπια και λικέρ, που βασίζονται σε παλιές παραδοσιακές συνταγές φτιαγμένες με τις πλέον σύγχρονες τεχνικές.
Για να συνοδέψετε τα cocktail σας έχουμε δημιουργήσει εκλεκτά tapas, από τις ίδιες εξαιρετικές πρώτες ύλες που χρησιμοποιούμε σε όλα τα μενού μας. Τα tapas σερβίρονται στο bar και υπάρχει η επιλογή για degustation μενού tapas με cocktail pairing.

What mysteries can lie in a single bite?
Uncover it yourself with “Potato”
Egg, leek, truffle
#amusebouche #starterdish #tinybites #bites #fingerfood #greektaste #thehytraexperience #athensrestaurant #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #greekfoodblog #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #greekfood #greekfoodie #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover
Join us on December 31st for a special night at Hytra restaurant. Our New Year`s Eve menu honors Greece`s finest ingredients and our dedication to sustainability. Enjoy Michelin dishes crafted from the freshest local produce and seafood, paired with our curated selection of wines and spirits.
Celebrate the New Year with us in an evening of elegance and indulgence, where every detail is designed to create a memorable experience.
A toast, to a joyful new Year!
#hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #thehytraexperience #athensrestaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoods #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfoodie #athensgreece #newyearsday #newyearseve #newyears #newyearsmenu #michelinstarred
It is December, and we love it. We embrace the festive atmosphere getting ready for a month full of surprises, smiles and culinary adventures.
#hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #athensgreece #michelinstar #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #sustainablecuisine #hytrarestaurant #greekfoodlovers #gastronomyart #greekfoodblog #greekfood #greekfoodie #december #decemberdaily
Short Rib
Chickpeas, Carrot, Sitia’s sour milk, Carob honey
#shortrib #shortribs #shortribsliders #shortribsrecipe #meatlovers #MeatLoversParadise #meatloversdream #meatloversunite #MeatLoversDelight #greekfoodie #greekfoods #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #thehytraexperience
“Red Mullet”
“Bourdeto” sauce, wild greens, potato-cumin
#redmullet #mullet #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensrestaurant #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #greekfoodblog #moderncuisine #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie #gastronomyart
A moment captured in time, a testament to culinary artistry. Experience unforgettable gastronomic journeys at Hytra, enhanced by our expertly selected wine pairings.
#Wine #winery #winebar #winetime #winelover #winelovers #Winetasting #winetasting #greekwine #greekwines #greekwinery #greekwineries #greekwinelover #greekwinelovers #greekwinetasting #greekwineexplained #greekfoodie #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #thehytraexperience
“Cinnamon Spheres”
Tangerine, Greek yoghurt rose
#dessert #desserts #desserttime #dessertideas #DessertGoals #dessertlover #dessertlovers #greekdessert #greekdesserts #culinarydessert #greekfoodie #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #thehytraexperience #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant
On the 24th of December Hytra harmonizes mesmerizing flavors, festive thoughts and seductive aromas under the Athenian stars in one captivating Michelin dining experience.
Greece`s culture paints a puff stroke in this year`s Christmas Eve menu. Tradition, modernity and sustainability intertwine and create a menu that will be cherished this holiday season!
#thehytraexperience #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #Christmas #christmas #christmastime #christmasmenü #christmasmenu #festivemenu #FestiveSeason #festivevibes #athenscity #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #gastronomyart #gastronomylover #greekfood #greekfoods #greekfoodie
"Turbot Bourgeto"
Onion, scallop, collagen
#hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #hytrarestaurant #athenscity #athensrestaurant #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfoodblog #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodlovers #greekfoodie #greekfood #turbot #fishdish
“Handmade cheese”
pear, green pea, elderflower
#cheese #handmade #handmadecheese #greekfoodie #greekfood #greekfoods #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #athenscity #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #athensrestaurant
For centuries, wine has enriched human experiences, weaving itself into the fabric of cultures worldwide. Hytra recognizes this special connection and celebrates wine as a vital part of its identity.
#wine #winewinewine #WineTasting #winebar #wineoclock #winelovers #winelover #winetasting #winetime
Florinas peppers, basil
#langoustine #langoustines #langoustines🍤 #greekfoodie #greekfood #greekfoodlovers #greekfoods #gastronomyart #sustainablecuisine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #athenscity #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #thehytraexperience #athensgreece #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant
Scallop, green peas, red cabbage
#lobster #lobster #lobsterlove #lobstertail #lobsterlovers #lobsterlover #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #athenscity #moderncuisine #michelinexperience #michelinstarrestaurant #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #gastronomyart #greekfood
Wine, a timeless companion to humanity`s journey, has woven itself into the fabric of our cultures. At Hytra, we invite you to embark on a sensory odyssey. Each meticulously curated wine list unveils a unique story, transporting you to the heart of viticulture`s rich heritage.
#winelover #winetasting #wine #winebar #winetime #wineoclock #winelovers #WineTasting #winewinewine #michelinexperience #moderncuisine #greekcuisine #hytrarestaurant #thehytraexperience #athensgreece #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant
Discover the secrets that lie beneath. A universe of taste awaits.
#starterdish #amusebouche #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarred #michelinstarrestaurant #michelinexperience #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfood #greekfoods #greekfoodie #greekcuisine #thehytraexperience
Savour a meal beneath the starry sky, with a panoramic view of Athens as your backdrop.
#hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarrestaurant #moderncuisine #sustainablecuisine #gastronomylover #gastronomyart #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie
With sustainability in mind we craft experiences that surpass the ordinary. “Greek Rice” an adventurous take on modern Greek cuisine.
#Greekfood #rice #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #athensrestaurant #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #michelinstarrestaurant #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #greekfood #greekfoodie
We love sharing our expertise with curious minds, as every dinner is an experience of its own.
#hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #athensgreece #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #michelinstarrestaurant #greekcuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #gastronomylover #greekfoodlovers #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie
Discover the exquisite flavours of Greece with our meticulously curated selection of wines. This bottle hails from the heart of our country, showcasing the rich heritage and terroir of Greek vineyards. Indulge in the authentic taste of sustainable Greek cuisine at Hytra.
#winestagram #wineslovers #winepairing #winepairings #winepairings🍷 #winepairingfood #winepairingdinner #greekfoodlovers #gastronomylover #gastronomyart
Finish your dinner with our acorn mignardises a joyful trip where the surreal blends with reality.
#greekfoodie #hytra_restaurant #michelinstar #athensrestaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #greekcuisine #athenscity #greekcuisine #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog #gastronomylover #greekfoods #greekfood #greekfoodie
Sustainability and Greece go hand in hand in a single dish.
Tomato - Trout
Pella’s pepper, pickled strawberry, garden on top
#greekfoodie #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #michelinstar #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #hytrarestaurant #greekcuisine #greekfoodblog #gastronomyart #gastronomylover #michelinexperience #greekfoods #greekfood
Every detail, every thought, every action, all combine into a single unforgettable experience, this of dining at Hytra.
#service #restaurantservice #waiter #waiter #WaitersDay #waiterlife #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #athensrestaurant #thehytraexperience #michelinstarred #greekcuisine #michelinstarrestaurant #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodblog
“Red Mullet”
“Bourdeto” sauce, wild greens, potato-cumin
#thehytraexperience #michelinstar #hytra_restaurant #hytrarestaurant #athenscity #michelinstarrestaurant #moderncuisine #michelinexperience #sustainablecuisine #greekfoodlovers #greekfood #greekfoodie #greekfoods #greekfoodblog #greekcuisine #athensgreece #athensrestaurant